Studio Nine
Budget-Friendly Design Tips: Create Champagne Taste on a Beer Budget

1. Introduction: Designing on a budget made easy! When it comes to constructing a house, many people believe that achieving a high-end, luxurious....

  1. no image 13 October 2023
  2. no image 201 View
The Magic of Multipurpose Rooms: Designs that Transform

In our changing world the way we perceive and utilize space in our homes has undergone shifts. With homes becoming smaller and the value of space....

  1. no image 15 September 2023
  2. no image 168 View
Terrazzo Talk: The Resurgence of a Timeless Material

In the evolving realm of interior design, some materials fade into oblivion, while others, like the phoenix, rise again, rejuvenated and adapted for....

  1. no image 15 September 2023
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The Renaissance of Rattan: Crafting Natural Spaces

In the intricate tapestry of interior design, trends come and go, but few make as pronounced and enduring a comeback as rattan. Once associated....

  1. no image 06 September 2023
  2. no image 152 View
Bold, Bright, and Beautiful: Using Neon in Home Décor

In today's world of design, neon colours have made a comeback. They evoke a sense of nostalgia, from the 80s and 90s while also having an appeal.....

  1. no image 01 September 2023
  2. no image 407 View
The Return of Timeless Fashion: The Rise of Vintage Styles

Fashion frequently draws inspiration from the past, and recently, retro fashion has taken centre stage. They are impacting popular culture and our....

  1. no image 20 July 2023
  2. no image 321 View
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About StudioNine
Studio Nine is a technology-driven service provider in the field of private construction and interior design. We are currently operational in Bihar and Jharkhand. We provide customized and innovative services to our clients. We have a dedicated team of skilled architects and....